Chris Turner
chris@poyntonbradbury.co.ukBA(Hons) MArch PgDip ARB RIBA
Chris joined Poynton Bradbury Architects in 2018 after working in London where he led the delivery of major mixed-use regeneration schemes in both the UK and abroad with project values of over £120m. Becoming a Director of the practice in 2021 Chris is now applying his passion for environmentally and socially responsible architecture and urban design to help shape the ethos and vision of the practice.
He has wide experience of public consultation processes and has repeatedly represented the practice during the engagement of complex and varied stakeholder groups, local authorities and review panels. Chris is responsible for several sectors including schools, urban regeneration, placemaking, later living and care.
Working with a wide range of private sector and local authority clients Chris is adept at taking their projects through complex planning processes and supporting them to create truly transformative places.