Large Diameter Drilling Ltd (LDD) is a provider of marine foundation solutions with offices in the UK, Australia and Singapore and is part of the global marine energy and infrastructure services group Acteon.
The development of new state-of-the-art offices, a linked manufacturing workshop and standalone maintenance building at Tolvaddon Business Park in Pool has allowed the expansion of their operations in Cornwall and the wider UK.
The large workshop areas provide space for the service, assembly and preparation of specialist equipment required for the large diameter drilling operations. The external workshop yard provides space for the temporary erection of structures in excess of 17 metres high, for calibration and packing prior to global dispatch. For this reason engagement with local stakeholders and residents was key to securing planning support for the scheme. A comprehensive landscape plan and programme of specimen tree planting was developed to help screen the infrastructure works from the wider landscape.
The facility is rated BREEAM ‘Excellent’, employing proven modern technologies and concepts to increase it's environmental, social, and economic sustainability performance and putting it in the top 10% of newly designed and BREEAM-registered facilities.
The project was developed by Balanus Assets Ltd and RJM Property and Development Consultants, with support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) who provided £1.8m of funding towards the project.