This early 19th Century Grade II Listed residential dwelling lies within the Truro Conservation Area close to the town centre and cathedral complex.
The house had been vacant for a long time and therefore substantial improvement works were required to make it suitable as a long-term and sustainable new home.
The dwelling is on Union Place, a jewel in the Truro townscape with its terraces of 19th century houses with round arched doorways and colour washed stuccoed surfaces pierced by large multi-paned sash windows.
The project comprised the removal of inappropriate rear additions, the sensitive conservation of the core of the historic house and the contemporary addition of a rear living space.
As well as obtaining Planning and Listed Building Consent for the client, Poynton Bradbury Architects provided specialist conservation expertise in order to preserve as many original features of the house as possible, including many of the badly damaged original plaster ceilings and decorative details.