Langarth Garden Village will be a vibrant, connected, and sustainable community for between 8,000 and 10,000 residents of Cornwall. The project is being led by Cornwall Council working with Truro City Council, Kenwyn Parish Council, Langarth landowners, Truro and Kenwyn Neighbourhood Plan group, Langarth Stakeholder Panel and the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership.
Poynton Bradbury were part of a wider team of specialist designers including AHR, CF Moller, Arcadis, 31Ten and Inner Circle Consulting who helped to develop the masterplan and secure a successful hybrid planning approval. Langarth Garden Village will have local character, strong services, and integrated and accessible transport and green spaces. Home to people of different ages and lifestyles, Langarth will provide a mix of housing sizes, types and tenures to meet local needs. New schools, health, cultural, faith, leisure and community facilities, and innovative and flexible workspaces will be set within open and walkable green landscapes with trees, walking and cycle ways. Pedestrian and cycle links into Threemilestone and the surrounding communities will be created and enhanced, with new areas of forest, parks, public sport areas, and green civic and amenity spaces.