Cian Spowart
cian@poyntonbradbury.co.ukBSc BArch PgDip ARB ARB
With over 20 years experience at Poynton Bradbury Architects Cian has an extensive portfolio of completed projects that range from a £30 million re-development of the Callywith College campus in Bodmin to the sensitive intervention of Lizard Lifeboat station, Lizard Peninsula. Cian works with a variety of public and private clients and is currently the design lead for a £60m Estates Transformation Programme with Cornwall Council to support the delivery of post-Covid workspace facilities and public-facing services across the County.
In 2018 Cian also started providing Design Manager support to MWJV, the consultant consortium delivering building and professional services to Cornwall Council, coordinating all design aspects from the supply chain across a wide range of sectors including Housing, Economic growth, Education, Estates Transformation, Placeshaping and Regeneration for circa £250m of construction value per year.